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Entrepreneurs: A Fascinating Group of People!

For more than 40 years I have been fascinated with the subject of entrepreneurship and entrepreneurs. I have lent money to them,...

Commercial Banking Loans….Relationship or Numbers?

In many areas of our life such as  business and sports there is an almost fanatical obsession with using metrics, KPI’s, analytics and...

Why not a Deferred Sales Trust?

The 1031 Exchange Many of my CEO clients invest in real estate to diversify their revenue streams.  Most commonly they own the commercial...

Competitive Strategy First! Bank Financing Second!

In my email signature block I state my company’s mission/purpose statement, “Helping CEO’s reach their targeted business goals through...

Financing for Startups

Most of the privately owned businesses in the U.S. are defined as “microenterprises.” The definition of a microenterprise is generally a...

How to Estimate Startup Funding Costs

As a business loan consultant one of the most common questions I am asked by my CEO clients is “How do I determine how much money I need...

Business Loan Middlemen… Pros & Cons

The commercial loan business  is a billion dollar  industry and  as more and  more individuals  pursue entrepreneurship  either by choice...

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